Marli English




Age Range:

Under 18


African American/Black

Story Topic(s):

Criminal Justice Reform, Education

Point of Contact:

Zeena Mohamed,

Georgia Youth Justice Coalition

Their Story:

Marli (she/her) is a Black student (under 18) organizing her school's BSU in Campbell HS, Cobb County. Cobb is deeply gerrymandered, has a history of criminalizing and targeting Black + disabled students like Marli's peers. Marli's school had a number of anti-Black & antisemitic hate crimes occur - she and her friends organized a mass protest of students to speak out at the school board. She can speak to gerrymandering, education justice, racial justice, and criminalization of Black youth.

Agreed Formats and Mediums:

Can speak to elected officials or decision makers, Can appear in photo, video or be recorded, Can author an op-ed or LTE, Can testify publicly

Interviews, Testimonies, and Mentions:




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