Join Mi Familia Vota and Partner Organizations For Georgia Advocacy Day

Join Mi Familia Vota and Partner Organizations For Georgia Advocacy Day

Atlanta, GA: Mi Familia Vota is proud to join the Coalition for the Advancement of Environmental Justice for a press conference to advance environmental conservation and sustainable policies in the Georgia Environmental Justice Bill. We know that Latinos in Georgia are on the frontline of the climate justice fight. 

We are organizing in Georgia to fight for this critical environmental justice legislation, which will: 

● Require new permits to address the impact on community health and property values via assessing environmental and economic impacts. 

● Focus on transparency by mandating public access to information, communicating clearly to affected communities 

● Set clear enforcement lines and accountability. 


WHAT: The Coalition for the Advancement of Environmental Justice will Urge Lawmakers to Support the Georgia Environmental Justice Bill. 

SPEAKERS: Andrea Young Jones – Georgia WAND 

Representative Kim Schofield 

Senator Sheikah Rahman 

Representative Karla Drenner 

Representatives Becky Evans 

Representative Al Williams (Tentative) 

Representative Lynn Smith – Chair of the House Natural Resource 

Committee (Tentative) 

Josiah Overton – Young Environmental Activist 

Zaiah Shepherd – Young Environmental Activist 

Dr. Yomi – Georgia Coalition for the Advancement of Environmental 

Justice Legislation

Dr. Mildred McClain – Harambe House 

Dr Treva Gear – Dogwood Alliance 

Tonya Bonitatibus – Savannah Riverkeepers 

Jocelyne Soto – Mi Familia Vota 

Where: Georgia Capitol Building South Steps 

When: Friday, February 16, 2023 

Registration link: 


About Mi Familia Vota Mi Familia Vota is a national civic engagement organization that unites Latino, immigrant, and allied communities to promote social and economic justice through citizenship workshops, voter registration, and voter participation. Mi Familia Vota operates in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Texas. 

Previous Senator Walker’s Testimony that an ALA Grant Required LGBTQ+ Conflicts with the Facts and the Revealed Grant Application  

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