RELEASE: As Reconciliation Stalls, Progressive and Elected Leaders Urge Congress to Pass the Build Back Better Plan

RELEASE: As Reconciliation Stalls, Progressive and Elected Leaders Urge Congress to Pass the Build Back Better Plan

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ATLANTA –  Progress Georgia continued its participation in a nationwide campaign calling on all members of Congress to choose everyday Americans and pass the Build Back Better Act with an educational virtual town hall on the plan featuring speakers from Tax March, The Southern Economic Advancement Project (SEAP) and Georgia State House Representative Rebecca Mitchell. 

“The current status quo of our tax system is not the way it has always been,” said Maura Quint, Founder of Tax March. “The wealthiest have paid a lot more taxes historically and it is not a terrible thing to ask them to yet again contribute to our country and to our society.” 

“We can’t just have the crisis funding,” said Sarah Beth Gehl, Research Director of the Southern Economic Advancement Project regarding the American Rescue Plan. “We really have to make investments to build up the infrastructure…to fix our long-standing challenges and to prepare us for the next crisis that’s going to come.”

“It is rare that we see this level of integration of vision and application in the same package,” said Georgia State House Rep. Rebecca Mitchell.  “We can see of all these elements are going to transform how we are living and I can’t overstate what a big difference seeing Build Back Better…be applied here in Georgia would be for all of us. 

Hear more from today’s town hall:

Other actions include:

Wednesday, 9/16: Digital Mobile Billboard at Rep. Austin Scott’s mobile office hours: Telfair Library, 101 W College St, McRae-Helena, GA 31055

Friday, 9/27 – Sunday 10/3: Radio accountability campaign in HD 8 on Austin Scott urging him to pass the Build Back Better plan on stations. Radio spot is here.  

Saturday, 9/25: Aerial banner at the Trump “Save America” Rally, Georgia National Fairgrounds, Perry, Georgia.

Tuesday, 9/28: Build Back Better Virtual Town Hall: 3-3:30 pm ET educating Georgians on the provisions of the plan featuring speakers from Tax March, The Southern Economic Advancement Project and State House Representative Rebecca Mitchell

Wednesday 9/29: 

  • Build Back Better Vaccine Awareness Day at Sweet Stack Creamery, 25 Piedmont Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30303. Bring your covid vaccination card and receive a complimentary treat on behalf of Progress Georgia. 
  • Digital Mobile Billboard in Atlanta near Georgia State University: 1 pm – 9 pm ET


Part of the Progress Now network, Progress Georgia is a political digital and communications hub for the progressive movement in Georgia. Progress Georgia works to uplift the values and voices of the progressive movement across the state by keeping politicians accountable and elevating the issues that matter most to our communities. Learn more at

Previous RELEASE: Progress Georgia Joins National Campaign to Hold Representative Austin Scott Accountable for Siding with the Rich Instead of Building Back Better

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